Webinar: Evaluation of the 2021/22 MPharm Clinical Placement Expansion Pilot - 11/12/23
Shared on behalf of NHSE
Invitation to webinar: Evaluation of the 2021/22 MPharm Clinical Placement Expansion Pilot.
Monday 11th December 11.00-12.00 on Microsoft Teams.
In preparation for gaining access to clinical tariff, Health Education England worked with schools of pharmacy in England, in the 2021/22 academic year, providing funding to develop and test clinical placement models for students in years 2, 3 and 4 of the MPharm degree.
Pharmacy Schools in England were invited to apply for HEE funding to start developing these approaches, to extend and enrich clinical learning in all sectors of practice for pharmacy students.
In order to maximise learning from this pilot, HEE commissioned RSM UK Consulting LLP (RSM) and Dr Katie Webb at the School of Medicine at Cardiff University to carry out an evaluation of Health Education England’s Undergraduate Pharmacists Clinical Placement Pilots (2021-22).
In this webinar, Nick Haddington (Regional Head of Pharmacy for Workforce, Training and Education in the South West) will be joined by Dr Katie Webb (Cardiff University) to share the findings of the evaluation. Stephen Doherty (NHSE WT&E) will also join the webinar to provide an update on the related work on Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs).
To register your interest for the webinar, please sign up using the following link webinar registration.