Primary Care Funding Offer - Workforce, Training & Education (WT&E) priority areas for the Paramedic workforce 2023/24

NHSE are pleased to announce that the WT&E Directorate of NHSE, NEY region, will be allocating additional, non-recurrent funding for Paramedics working within Primary Care.

This investment aims to support organisations grow and upskill their AHP practice educators.

NHSE is seeking the assistance of Primary Care Training Hubs to identify and recommend a candidate from their system interested in pursuing this opportunity.

Please see accompanying documents for further details, noting the following timeline:

·    Bid Submission Deadline: 5pm, Monday 27th November 2023  (please complete your return via the attached ICS specific excel workbook)

·    Transfer of funds:  January 2024 via NHS education contract scheduled payment

Please note, ICS AHP Council/Faculty Chairs and NHSE Workforce Transformation Leads (WTL) have been informed for reference to ongoing/new activity within their systems.

If you would like to discuss this offer further or have any questions then please contact the NEY AHP team,

See funding offer here

See application template here