MH ARRS Community of Practice

Shared on behalf of NHSE

As implementation of the roles under the Additional Role Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) are realised across England, NHS England North East and Yorkshire (NEY)  are supporting this for Mental Health (MH) ARRS. Following system level requests, we have established a region wide MH ARRS Community of Practice (CoP). This CoP provides a safe place for all those involved to come together to share experiences of these new roles, including good practice, challenges, and to work through pertinent issues and improvement opportunities.

The agenda is flexible, set by those involved with MH ARRS roles implementation so that it meets the needs of stakeholders.  Dr Terry Hudsen (Clinical Lead for Primary Care Engagement and Support, NHS England NEY) and James Sutherland (Head of Primary and Community Mental Health Transformation – SHSC, and National Implementation Advisor, Community Mental Health – NHS England) joint chair this group.

The ambition is for the group to be as inclusive as possible and for its membership to evolve and grow to meet the needs of stakeholders. Further information about the group is provided below and we’re delighted to invite you and your colleagues to attend the next CoP which will focus on the primary and secondary care interface.

Date:             Tuesday, 8th October 2024,

Time:             12.30–1.30pm

Platform:       MS Teams.  Please use this link Join the meeting now



The needs of our communities, in particular in areas where there are health inequalities, are greater than ever before. There is a growing concern about areas of longstanding unmet health need and the social determinants of health are playing a bigger role than ever before.

These new challenges are increasing the pressure on the system to deliver for those in our communities and there is more that we can do to shift our focus from treating those who are unwell to preventing ill health and tackling health inequalities.

The Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) is an opportunity for a PCN to recruit new additional staff to deliver health services and create bespoke multi-disciplinary teams.


Purpose of CoP

The purpose of the ARRS CoP is to provide a forum for the North East and Yorkshire region to meet and share good practice, areas of innovation as well as share challenges to support solutions in a safe environment. This will enable the development of the role, services and pathways, which will contribute towards improving services and quality of patient care. A key objective is to enhance the understanding, culture and interface between different parts of the health, care, and voluntary sectors that are supporting the community mental health transformation models.

Aims of CoP

 To share success and challenges in the implementation of ARRS role services and pathways.

  • To highlight local and regional level ARRS topics that link to National and local initiatives relating to the development of the role.
  • To discuss latest research and NICE guidance in this area to inform developments.
  • Consider regionally identified training needs and areas of development for the ARRS role.
  • Linking to the National and regional professionals to share ideas, good practice and innovative ways of working to influence improvements in service and patient care.
  • To foster a collaborative environment that promotes a better understanding and interface between different sectors and clinical roles.

Please contact if you would like more information and joining instructions for the meeting. Please share this invite as appropriate.